Friday, March 30, 2012

Strange Baby - Stanley Thornton, 31 Year-Old Baby

Children identical with fun without limits, as if no problems arise in life.

Not a few medical experts who suggest that the inner child a person should always be maintained, so that stress is lost and the mind is always happy like a child.

Stanley Thornton was one of those who adhere to this principle, though Thornton happen with quite extreme.

The man was 31 years of daily work as a security officer, with a stern and dignified face, ready to tackle the criminals who will carry out his evil actions.

But when the job is completed and Thornton returned home, he turned into a spoiled baby, love to play dolls, and even sleep in the crib.

Many people call mentally ill, some were calling Thornton suffered sexual abuse. But for Thornton, this is just a way to relieve stress as adults.

Oddity Central preach, this habit started when Thornton was 13 years old. At that time, fat-bodied men are being abused by her parents.

Because it is often felt fear, not infrequently Thornton wetting during sleep, and finally had to wear diapers Thornton. That's where the turning point Thornton lifestyle which are comfortable if treated as a baby. Habit of wetting and diaper use continuing into the age of 20.

Every day, Thornton was raised by Sandra Diaz, roommates as well as baby sitter was a big baby. Voluntarily, Diaz Thornton parenting by doing various activities like a mother. Thornton fed with a plate and spoon feed a baby is just one of them.

"I love him like I love my nephew," Diaz said in an interview with television station TLC.

"He's like the boy who lost his mother, then I come as a surrogate mother and take care of every day," he continued.

Thornton was not the only people who have grown the baby's condition. In 2000, he created a website that makes the 'big baby' other to find a nanny.

Thornton dismissed the allegations that call this unique habits as a sexual deviation, because he-and other big babies, have absolutely no sexual attraction to the caregivers. Thornton also included with Diaz.

"I am delighted to be treated like a baby, getting the love, security and comfort," said Thornton. viva

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