Thursday, May 26, 2011

Unusual To See

A sea of natural phenomena split that ever happened to the story Mozes (Moses), the Ten Commandments in the book of Exodus, Holy Bible, also occurred in South Korea.

This is a natural phenomenon that most sebua mengagumkam in South Korean territory. Natural phenomena of sea split in South Korea is named 'Moses Miracle'.

every two times a year there will be low tide. Reflux and the water was to open a land plot along the 2.88 kilometers with a width of 40 meters. And this path connects the island of Jindo and Modo and people can walk for several hours.

A festival was held to remind the natural occurrence and attended by people from all over the world. However this natural occurrence is not so known, until 1975, when Mr. Pierre Randi French ambassador to Korea, visit there and published in French newspapers.

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